Thursday, June 15, 2006

Gay Games Get State Taxpayer Subsidy of $296,616

According to McHenry County Blog (June 15 post entitled "Gay Games Get State Taxpayer Subsidy of $296,616"), Chicago Games, Inc.—the official name of the Gay Games—will receive $296,616 out of the Fiscal Year 2006 budget, which ends June 30.

How did that happen?

Several months ago, Gay Games applied for $450,000 in grant money (translation: your tax money) from the Illinois Tourism Marketing Partnership Grant Program. The total amount requested was $450,000 - the other $150,000 could be delivered from the Fiscal Year 2007 budget which commences in July.

Recommended Actions:

Express your opposition to the use of tax money to promote homosexuality by e-mailing Governor Rod Blagojevich and by writing letters to your local newspapers.

While you're at it, thank Crystal Lake's State Rep Mike Tryon for publicly opposing this subsidy.

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