Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Good News! CA Christian Schools Can Still Set Their Own Standards for Moral Behavior

No triable issue: Academy's right to expel 2 girls in lesbian 'relationship' upheld

From "Lesbian Suit Against Christian School Tossed" posted 1/25/08 at Worldnetdaily.com

A California judge has ruled that Christian schools can set standards for behavior for their students, and impose penalties if they are not met.

The decision comes from Riverside County Superior Court Judge Gloria Trask, who found "no triable issues" on claims that a Christian school discriminated against two girls because of their perceived sexual orientation, according to a report in the North County Times.

Trask recently dismissed the claims made against California Lutheran High School in Wildomar by the two girls and their parents.

The case developed in 2005 when the girls, members of the junior class, were expelled after school officials noticed behavior by the two that may have indicated a lesbian relationship.

But it's not over yet...

Attorney Kirk Hanson, representing the students, said he would appeal the dismissal of the case. He said he'll continue to argue the school is a business and must abide by state discrimination requirements.

"That's (appeals court) where this case would have ended up regardless," Hanson told the newspaper. "Win or lose at the trial level, the case is going to be in front of a court of appeal."

But John McKay, a lawyer for the school, said, "The First Amendment gives Christian schools the right to educate children on the (basis) of Christian beliefs. We're right on the First Amendment (regarding) free association."

Read the rest of this article.

The only problem is, in our legal system, even when you win you often lose because it is so incredibly costly to finance a legal defense.

How many Christian schools and ministries can afford to defend their freedom?