Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lesbian Rep. Wants Kids' 'Sexual Orientation' Reported

Congressman Tammy Baldwin's (D-Wis.) bill (H.R. 6109) requires federal health officials, including HHS community health centers, to catalog everyone, including children, by their self-declared sexual preferences.

-- From "House Panel Moves Bill Requiring Feds to Ask About Sexual Orientation, Identity" posted at FoxNews.com 9/20/10

The proposal introduced by Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., the first openly gay woman elected to Congress, cleared a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on a party-line vote Thursday. Republican attempts to block or restrict the measure failed.

Though critics say the move represents an invasion of privacy, the legislation was cast as a way to help federal officials gather data so they can track "health disparities" based on those sexual identity factors.

"If you're a young person, you may not even know what the questions refer to," said Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, among the 10 Republicans who voted against the bill. "And for the life of me I cannot see ... why this is something that the federal government should get itself involved with."

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "House Democrats Pass Bill to Grill School Children about Sexual Preference" by Connie Hair, Human Events 9/20/10

According to Baldwin, the current “lack of cultural competency” among federal officials means that “we are left with gaping holes in our knowledge on LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered) policy” resulting in “significant health disparities.”

. . . Children who seek help at government-funded school health clinics would be asked whether or not they are gay, lesbian, bisexual or if they know their gender identity.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.