Monday, August 20, 2012

Feds Waive Psych Tests for Mentally Ill Pilots

When the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) required a male pilot who thinks he's a woman to undergo psychological testing for licensing, the man complained of discrimination against the transgendered, so requirements were changed for those suffering the diagnosis of gender confusion.

For background, read
Obama, Senate Continue to Push Transgender Privilege and also read 2-year-old Says She's a Boy, 'Parents' Say OK as well as Transgenderism is 'Delusion' Says Victim

-- From "Transgender Pilots Cleared for Takeoff as FAA Changes Rule" by Susan Donaldson James, ABC News 8/18/12

[Tamsyn] Waterhouse is transgender, and the FAA required that she go through a battery of psychological tests -- five in all -- that would "take a couple of days of my time and cost in the several-thousand dollar range."

The FAA has now instituted a new policy that does not categorically impose these tests on transgender pilots.

The change reflects a growing trend in [President Obama's] government and the courts to eliminate discrimination against those who are lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender.

The previous policy was based on "outdated stereotypes that someone who changed their gender had something mentally wrong with them," said Matt Wood, the Transgender Law Center lawyer the who took Waterhouse's case.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.

From "Mandatory psychological testing for transgender Americans who want to be pilots is DROPPED after victory for one woman" by Daily Mail Reporter 8/18/12

Waterhouse would have been forced to resit the burdensome and costly test every five years in order to renew her license, again at the FAA's discretion.

Waterhouse contacted Reps. Mike Honda, D-Calif. and Blarney Frank, D-Mass., as well as the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force who campaigned alongside her.

Now neurocognitive testing is only required if is clinically indicated.

Waterhouse told how she is thrilled to be able to fly again and said she will be applying for a commercial pilot's license as soon as she has her medical certification back.

To read the entire article above, CLICK HERE.